Swets is pleased to announce that Credo Reference (www.credoreference.com) has recently joined the SwetsWise eBook catalog with over 1,500 reference works from more than 80 of the world’s best reference publishers. Collections and titles are thoughtfully selected to offer broad coverage of subjects such as psychology, history, business, education, environmental studies and much more. The Credo Reference platform is easy to use, highly customizable and appeals to users and researchers in both the academic and corporate library markets.
“Expanding SwetsWise to include content from Credo Reference offers our customers a single, user-friendly interface to acquire and manage both eBooks and journals, which is unique to the information industry,” said Linda Vendryes, Global Business Development Manager at Swets. “The distribution agreement with Credo Reference clearly illustrates, once again, the quality of the content a library can purchase from the SwetsWise unique proposition we offer for one-stop eBook purchasing and showcases the potential, strength and overall value of our SwetsWise platform.”
“SWETS clearly shares our philosophy that service is our best means of bringing value to our customers. This partnership allows us to offer libraries more choice in their procurement process, furthering our commitment to serving the needs of libraries,” commented Carol Helton, VP Global Sales and Marketing for Credo. “We’re very pleased with the alliance we’ve forged and are excited about the options it will allow us to offer our customers.”