De Gruyter Open, a leading provider of open access content and publishing services to Learned Societies and scientific organizations, is pleased to announce a new publishing agreement with the International Centre for e-Innovation and Workplace Learning, School of Education Studies, Dublin City University, which will include the publication of its flagship periodical, the International Journal for Transformative Research.
The International Journal for Transformative Research focuses on research that shifts or even breaks existing scientific paradigms. The journal will publish theoretical and conceptual analyses of any aspect of transformation or transformative research. However, these analyses are to be integrated into an explanation of the research itself, and they should explicitly illuminate how the research has had a transformative impact. Now in partnership with De Gruyter Open, the IJTR sets out to introduce a wide range of academics and practitioners to the concept of ‚transformative research’, and encourage them to participate in an informed discussion about the different ways of developing such research. It also aims to stimulate the use of different forms of representation in the display of research results.
The Journal will be published biannually with 10 articles per year.
Dr. Margaret Farren, lecturer in the School of Education Studies and Chair of the Masters in Education and Training Management (eLearning) and Leadership program, stated: “We have chosen Open Access as we wish to make freely available the new ways of approaching research that are potentially transformational for readers, and for the researchers themselves. Traditional research which sees a separation between the inquirer, and that which is being inquired into, is increasingly being shown to be inadequate in creating knowledge about aspects of human living that are intrinsically relational in nature – for example, teaching and learning, understanding and responding to mental health problems, etc. We believe that the academic world can itself be transformed by exploring new ways of generating knowledge that has the professional at the centre”.
She added: “De Gruyter Open has an excellent reputation in the world of academia and offers a level of quality and credibility that is essential to us.”
International Journal for Transformative Research is now available on: http://www.degruyter.com/view/j/ijtr