Libraries of all sizes looking for an open source Library Services Platform (LSP) using FOLIO can now rely on EBSCO FOLIO Services from EBSCO Information Services for implementation, hosting and service support. EBSCO has been involved in FOLIO since its inception, and EBSCO FOLIO Services offers libraries options when considering a new LSP.
EBSCO FOLIO Services provides a suite of services for libraries looking to implement FOLIO. By working with EBSCO, libraries of all sizes can take advantage of FOLIO’s cutting-edge approach to library automation. In some cases, libraries do not have the resources needed to host or the staff to support implementing an open source solution on their own while others may not want their technical services staff tied up with implementing and maintaining their Integrated Library System (ILS).
EBSCO FOLIO Services consists of a highly trained, experienced team for easier implementations and service support as well as sophisticated technology and trained engineers for hosting. FOLIO integrates with traditional EBSCO services, including the EBSCO Knowledge Base, which streamlines electronic resource management (ERM), and can easily integrate with existing EBSCO resources such as EBSCO Discovery Service™(EDS) for better library workflows and patron services.
EBSCO’s FOLIO Consulting Services Manager Anya Arnold says that libraries can leverage EBSCO experts as well as services to implement FOLIO with ease. “The EBSCO FOLIO Services team includes staff based in three continents (Europe, North America and South America) — a diverse, multilingual team, all of whom have experience as librarians implementing new systems in their respective libraries.”
In July, the FOLIO open source community released the Goldenrod version of the FOLIO LSP, a significant release called Version One (V1) of the open source project. The Goldenrod Release provides the core ILS functionality from the original FOLIO roadmap and includes the capabilities to enable libraries of all sizes to move to FOLIO from their current, traditional ILS or LSPs. Missouri State University and Chalmers University of Technology are good examples of the range of universities around the world that are relying on the EBSCO FOLIO Services team to adopt the FOLIO LSP and integrate the platform with EDSand other EBSCO services.
EBSCO has been involved in building FOLIO from the ground up and maximizing the FOLIO architecture for a cloud environment. In order to provide high-quality implementation and support services for FOLIO across the globe, EBSCO has partnered with vendors worldwide to pair local service and support with EBSCO hosting. These partners bring their expertise in local systems and standards and are supported by EBSCO’s infrastructure, enabling any library interested in FOLIO to receive quality support and services anywhere in the world.
EBSCO has a long history of supporting open source projects including the initial Kuali OLE project and Koha. EBSCO, as an initial founder and architect of the FOLIO project, continues to support FOLIO financially in addition to providing developers, project managers, marketing and communications expertise and has done so since the start of the FOLIO project. EBSCO FOLIO Services represents the next step of this collaboration, helping sites to adopt FOLIO by providing hosting and services while continuing to support the FOLIO Community.