We are pleased to welcome three institutions to the National Open Access Agreement in France (Accord national pour l’accès ouvert en France) from 2023. The new members are Université d’Artois, Université de Rouen and Université Jean Monnet Saint-Étienne. Corresponding authors from these institutions and, indeed, all member institutions, may publish their work open access, free of charge in 31 participating journals. There are no publication fees or article processing charges (APCs).
Participating journals include newcomers, the Journal of ExtraCorporeal Technology and Journal of the European Optical Society-Rapid Publications. Astronomy & Astrophysics is also included as are the other Subscribe to Open (S2O) journals which are joined by Radioprotection from 2023. More established journals are also present such as EPJ Applied Physics, the Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate and Parasite. Aquatic Living Resources is now a “diamond” open access journal and, therefore, no longer included.
The inclusion of these universities brings the total number of participating institutions to 70. Members represent the majority of French universities with a science focus, most national research organisations and a number of notable organisations such as the CNRS, CEA and Inserm. The agreement remains open to new members.
The National Open Access Agreement in France is a “read and publish” agreement which was established in January 2017 for five years. In 2022, we announced that it had been extended for a further five years. EDP Sciences is the publisher for the agreement and articles published under the agreement contribute to the growing proportion of its open access content.
If you are a corresponding author and considering submitting your article to a journal published by EDP Sciences, remember to check if your institution and intended journal are part of the agreement. We look forward to welcoming corresponding authors from the Université d’Artois, Université de Rouen and Université Jean Monnet Saint-Étienne and invite all authors to find out more here.