Frontiers, one of the fastest-growing open-access scholarly publishers, now part of the Nature Publishing Group family, has launched its Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biologyjournal today.
One of the most exciting revolutions occurring in science today is the integration of disciplines.Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology will provide a comprehensive platform for inter and multidisciplinary articles.
It will encourage cross discussion between clinical and basic biology e.g. through stem cell research, as well as assimilate various aspects of cellular and developmental processes, such as cell migration, signaling, stress responses and pattern formation across a diversity of model organisms.
Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology will constitute an open-science platform for publishing high-quality and rigorously peer-reviewed articles. Frontiers’ real-time interactive review forum facilitates fast, transparent, and constructive review with an average of 84 days from submission to publication. Articles are available for free under the Creative Commons Attribution license (CC-BY).
The initial speciality sections open for submissions are listed below and many more sections will be added soon:
Cell Death and Survival (Editor-in-Chief: Craig Walsh)
Membrane Traffic (Editors-in-Chief: William Brown and Gerard Apodaca)
Molecular Medicine (Editor-in-Chief: Masaru Katoh)
Fossil Fuel Engineering (Editor-in-Chief: Susumu Ikehara)
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