Together with Elsevier, a world-leading provider of scientific, technical and medical information products and services, the Consortium Baden-Wuerttemberg, an alliance of the scientific libraries of the federal state located in the south-west ofGermany, provides 52 universities and institutions of higher education with comprehensive access to approximately 2,500 scientific journals.
With immediate effect all members of universities and institutions of higher education in Baden-Wuerttemberg receive, for the first time, comfortable access to approximately 2,500 electronically published journals from the internationally renowned scientific publishing house Elsevier.
“This abundance of scientific publications will help further strengthen the position of Baden-Wuerttemberg as a research location,” says Prof. Dr. Hans Jochen Schiewer, Chairman of the State Rectors’ Conference Baden-Wuerttemberg and Rector of the University of Freiburg. In the presence of Michael Kleiner from the Ministry of Science, Research and Art Baden-Wuerttemberg, Prof. Schiewer signed the state license agreement together with Dr. Antje Kellersohn, Chairwoman of the Consortium Baden-Wuerttemberg and Director of the University Library Freiburg, and Jörg Limberg, VP Research Solutions at Elsevier.
The agreement with Elsevier is an important component in the strategy of the state government: ‘E-Science – Science under new framework conditions’. The strategy is based on a recommendation by experts from the Ministry of Science, Research and Art and is being implemented by the state government of Baden-Wuerttemberg.
The agreement is valid for three years and includes many top journal titles such as “The Lancet“. Our libraries now receive even more comprehensive access to significant academic journals, which, thanks to an archive solution, will be retained even after the agreement ends,” says Dr. Antje Kellersohn. Together with Dr. Veit Probst (University Library Heidelberg), Dr. Annette Scheiner (Executive Board Member of the Consortium Baden-Wuerttemberg, University Library Freiburg) and Anne Otto (University Library Konstanz), she was part of the negotiating team for the Consortium Baden-Wuerttemberg and developed the agreement together with Elsevier.
Both sides benefit from the agreement, says Jörg Limberg from Elsevier: “We are proud that Elsevier can contribute to strengthening the science landscape of Baden-Wuerttemberg with this agreement. The broad access and the digital provision of scientific literature and the related content services provide a fundamental contribution to the implementation of the digital agenda.”
The license model also serves as a reference for the project group “DEAL – nation-wide licensing of journal portfolios of big scientific publishers” of the Alliance of German Science Organizations (Allianz der Deutschen Wissenschaftsorganisationen) and the German Rectors’ Conference. Two directors from Baden-Wuerttemberg university libraries are contributing to this initiative: Frank Scholze, university library Karlsruhe, and Dr. Antje Kellersohn, university library Freiburg, spokesperson of the project group.
Further information on the Consortium Baden-Wuerttemberg:
Further information on the position paper of the state government: