etting the pace for providing authors with new options for publishing, the IEEE Computer Society has launched a new open-access journal on emerging topics in computing.
IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing (TETC) publishes papers on emerging aspects of computer science, computer engineering, information technology, software, and applications not currently covered by other IEEE transactions. The online-only journal will publish preprints online before the first issue appears in July 2013.
TETC is one of several IEEE open-access journals being developed in response to the academic community’s calls for articles to be freely available to the public. With open access, readers can download articles without paying subscription fees. Instead, authors pay a fee to publish their articles. The open-access author fee will be $1,350 per article.
“The IEEE Computer Society is committed to providing the computer research community with the best possible venues for dissemination top work,” said Tom Conte, IEEE Computer Society First Vice President and Vice President for Publications. “The reputation of the Computer Society’s publications is second to none, and TETC will be no exception. We are extremely excited about the launch of TETC, and all indications are it will be embraced by contributors, researchers, and computer professionals.”
The IEEE Computer Society also provides authors the option of publishing open-access papers in any of its other journals. Any article designated as “open access” in these journals is automatically made publicly accessible, at no charge to the user. Other articles in the journal remain available only to paid subscribers.
Publication of high-quality, peer-reviewed, financially sustainable journals remains an essential part of IEEE’s mission. For more information on open access, visit ieee.org.