IEEE integrates Altmetric badge visualisations and related data into IEEE Xplore Digital Library

Altmetrics data provider Altmetric and IEEE, the world’s largest professional organisation advancing technology for humanity, are pleased to announce the integration of Altmetric badge visualisations and related data into the IEEE Xplore Digital Library, which is home to over 3.8 million scholarly documents.

The inclusion of Altmetric badges enables authors, researchers, and other platform visitors to easily see a collated record of the online shares and discussion relating to an individual article from a variety of sources. These sources include news and social media, public policy documents, post-publication review forums, online reference managers and Wikipedia. These mentions are tracked from the point of publication onwards and updated in real time.

Speaking about the integration, Reynold Guida, Director of Product Management at IEEE said, “Integrating the Altmetric data means we can now showcase online activity around our publications and provide authors, editors, and others with evidence of the broader impact of their work to research funders, employers, and their peers.”

Now available on IEEE and IET article abstract pages in IEEEXplore, users can click on the badges to access Altmetric details for each article. The detail includes a collated record of all online attention tracked by Altmetric for an individual research output.

Altmetric Founder Euan Adie adds, “In adding the Altmetric data to their articles the IEEE are offering users a huge amount of additional context for their content. Readers will be able to see how an article has been received amongst a broader audience, and authors will have the advantage of being able to track the online comments and discussion of their work as soon as it’s published.”

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