Ingram Content Group Inc., and EBL – Ebook Library, a leading e-book aggregator serving academic, corporate and research libraries worldwide, today announced an agreement that will allow libraries to search and purchase EBL e-book content on the Ingram OASIS®content platform for academic libraries worldwide.
“As libraries develop e-book programs and services, it’s important for librarians to be able to seamlessly acquire the e-books their patrons want,” said Kari Paulson, President, EBL. “Through our work with Ingram, we are offering greater discoverability of our content and further supporting acquisition workflows.”
Through the alliance with EBL, Ingram will add more than 325,000 EBL e-book titles to the OASIS platform, substantially growing the selection of e-content available to libraries. Users of the OASIS platform can view and select from an expanded selection of e-books alongside print books, with no changes to existing and preferred workflows. Billing will be consolidated, offering libraries integrated acquisition services and invoicing for all EBL content.
“As libraries reshape their content mix to meet the needs of the academic community, Ingram continues to refine its programs, services, and platforms to match library and patron need,” said Dan Sheehan, Vice President and General Manager, Ingram Content Group library services. “Through our work with EBL, users of the OASIS platform will have access to an enhanced selection of content that’s unmatched in the industry.”
Ingram continues to grow its offerings to provide a total solution for academic libraries through Coutts Information Services Inc. and Ingram Library Services Inc. Through the company’s comprehensive services, libraries can find all the materials they need whether print, digital, print-on-demand or hard to find content from one company, easing the burden of collection development, acquisition, and payment for libraries around the globe.
The Ingram OASIS platform is an online library interface for bibliographic information and searching, book and e-book acquisition, collection development and workflow management. Through the OASIS platform, libraries are able to access a database of millions of titles; search, select and manage orders online; download records, including no-cost MARC downloads; monitor standing orders; manage approval plans and new title notification plans; track orders and access reporting information.