IntechOpen, the first native scientific publisher of Open Access books, today announced it recently completed a strategic transformation in its technology and rolled out its new brand. The company’s “by the scientists, for the scientists” concept is based on always listening to the needs of individual scholars and the academic community as a whole. This change includes new technology features, a new logo and a new book design to better present authors’ scientific discovery.
“What at first might look just like a visual rebrush, was a process of diving into the very core of the company,” said Alex Lazinica, “Elephant is embraced as the logo because elephants never forget what they learn and carry the collective memory to the next generation, and if you look carefully, you might notice that this is a particularly well-read elephant.”
The technical enhancements include:
• new subject tree to serve authors requests with more precise searching
• three-times faster downloads than other platforms
• advanced UX design focused on improving research findings and overall usability
• responsive design functioning on all screens to help find research on mobile screens — at the moment authors’ “bulb turns on”