Sciforum Journal Reviews is a free service that aims to publish statistics and rankings of scientific and scholarly journals and their publishers. Scientists and scholars that published in a journal can rate the peer-review process and the perceived quality of that journal, as well as share their experiences with the journal’s editors and referees.
The beta edition of Sciforum Journal Reviews was released online on Tuesday, 17 February 2015 and covers publishers of academic journals using the doi system via CrossRef. Data to compute statistics is mostly based on CrossRef’s API. Statistics offered are based on volume only (that is: papers published in scholarly journals).
Available statistics include, on a journal-level: the number of papers published per year; the percentage of papers published under open access licenses per year; on a publisher-level: the number of journals published per year; the number of papers published per year; the number of journals covered by leading indexing service (Web of Science, Scopus, PubMed, etc.); and on a market-level: the market-size in terms of papers published per year; the number of papers published under an open access license per year; the market distribution (market share) per publisher per year in terms of papers published; and the overall market distribution per year (Lorenz curve and Gini coefficient for each year).