The Midwest Archaeological Conference Inc. (MAC) will transfer publication of Midcontinental Journal of Archaeology to Maney from 2014. The journal publishes original papers on the archaeology of the region between the Appalachian Mountains and the Great Plains, from the Boreal Forests to the Gulf of Mexico, and other closely related subjects.
Maney has exciting new developments planned for the title. The journal will be made available online with a 10 year back archive, as well as in print for the benefit of subscribers and members of MAC. This publication will use Editorial Manager, the online system for article submission and peer-review, enabling contributors, reviewers and the editorial team to track and respond to the progress of articles with greater ease. Maney will increase the number of pages published and frequency will increase from two to three issues per year. The journal’s print presentation will be modernised and enhanced with colour illustrations.
Thomas Emerson is Editor of the journal and says of the new publishing arrangements: “Our partnership with Maney Publishing is a significant step in strengthening MCJA’s position as a premier regional journal by providing our readers with an expanded journal length and frequency in a readily accessible digital format.”
Maney’s Business Development Manager, Gaynor Redvers-Mutton, comments that “Publishing theMidcontinental Journal of Archaeology marks the progress of Maney’s US publishing base. Joining titles such as California Archaeology and Kiva and expanding our range of regional US archaeology titles, we are thrilled to be able to offer MAC and the Editors the support and infrastructure needed for the journal to evolve. Subscribers and library consortia opting to access our Archaeology & Heritage MORE Collection will welcome this news.”