For the first time, people in Missouri can access more than 138,000 unique e-book titles at 59 MOBIUS member libraries after MOBIUS recently purchased EBSCO eBook™ subscription packages from EBSCO Information Services (EBSCO).
The subscription provides quality information resources to all ages and levels of users from kindergarten to college and beyond with Academic, Community Colleges, Public Schools, K-8, High School and Medical collections. The subscription gives 59 MOBIUS member libraries unlimited simultaneous user access to a large selection of multidisciplinary EBSCO eBook titles covering a wide range of subject matter, including:
· Art
· Business and Economics
· Cooking
· Crafts and Hobbies
· Education
· Family
· Health and Fitness
· History
· Language and Literature
· Medical Specialties
· Political Science
· Recreation and Leisure
· Religion
· Self-Help
· Social Science
· Technology and Engineering
New titles are added regularly and feature a growing selection of frontlist and award-winning titles from leading publishers. Because the eBooks are searchable through the familiar EBSCOhost® interface, users can discover relevant eBook titles alongside other EBSCO databases, find the same intuitive search features and tools and enjoy a simple download process.
MOBIUS Executive Director Donna Bacon sees the addition of the eBook collections as another way MOBIUS is transforming library services for the people of Missouri. “E-books are becoming more and more popular and by purchasing these EBSCO eBook subscription packages, our member libraries will be able to offer their patrons an easy way to find and access the content they want.”
Annual subscription is one of the ways EBSCO enables libraries to add e-books to their collection. Libraries are also offered a growing number of purchase and lease options as well as patron driven options. E-books are available on an individual basis as well as in Subject Sets, Featured Collections and Custom Collections. EBSCO eBooks represents a deep collection of e-book content that is accessible via a variety of devices. EBSCO eBooks are provided with no markups and no fees and can be ordered through the EBSCOhost® Collection Manager, YBP’s GOBI3 or Ingram’s OASIS, allowing libraries more freedom to make purchasing decisions. More information about EBSCO eBooks is available at: www.ebscohost.com/ebooks.