Nature Publishing Group (NPG) is pleased to announce an increase in open access options for its Japanese titles from September 2011. NPG Asia Materials is now receiving submissions as part of its re-launch as an online only, open access journal in January 2012. In addition, The Journal of Antibiotics and Polymer Journal have introduced open access options for authors.
NPG Asia Materials will become an online only, open access journal from January 2012, publishing original articles and reviews in materials research from around the world. The journal will introduce short “Research Summaries” – a new service for authors of original articles. This novel feature aims to broaden the reach and readership of the top quality research published in the journal. For an introductory period until June 2012, Research Summaries will be free of charge to authors of original articles. Asia Materials is fully peer-reviewed and published in association with the Tokyo Institute of Technology. The international editorial team is led by founding Editor Hideo Takezoe and Editor-in-Chief Martin Vacha. The title has also been accepted to receive its first Impact Factor, which will be published in June 2012. Asia Materials was launched in 2008 as a website highlighting the best materials research from the Asia-Pacific region.
NPG publishes Polymer Journal in partnership with the Society of Polymer Science, Japan (SPSJ). The journal promotes research from all aspects of polymer science including high-quality original articles, notes, short communications and reviews. The Journal of Antibiotics is published by NPG in partnership with the Japan Antibiotics Research Association (JARA). It publishes original research in the multidisciplinary field of antimicrobials, as well as insightful and up-to-date reviews, short communications and letters to the editor.
Authors publishing in these journals can choose to make their article open access on payment of an article processing charge (APC). Authors of open access articles will have a choice of two non-commercial Creative Commons (CC) licenses.
David Swinbanks, Managing Director Asia and Australasia Region, NPG, says: “We are delighted to be re-launching NPG Asia Materials as a top quality outlet for original research articles and to be further expanding our open access options in Japan. This is an exciting time for the Asia-Pacific region and we look forward to bringing some of the world’s best research to a global audience.”
NPG recently announced an expansion in open access publishing in China. These journals join more than 40 other titles published by NPG offering open access options.