Nature Publishing Group (NPG) now offers site license access to Investigación y Ciencia, the Spanish-language edition of Scientific American, as well as its sister publication, Mente y cerebro, and archives. All titles, available in Spanish, will be hosted on the Investigación y Ciencia platform,http://www.nature.com/libraries/IyC/index.html. Both Investigación y Ciencia and Mente y cerebroinclude articles from Scientific American in Spanish as well as brand new articles published by the Spanish speaking community. Together with Scientific American, Investigación y Cienciacomplements the consumer media portfolio NPG offers to site license customers in the Spanish speaking scientific community.
The NPG sales team will offer site license access to government, corporate and academic customers. A current site license subscription includes access to the current year and the previous 4 years in PDF format. The archive site license collection is available as a one time purchase and includes access to Investigación y Ciencia (content back to 1996 PDF format) and Mente y cerebro(content back to 2002 PDF format).
Investigación y Ciencia, founded in 1976, is the best-selling consumer science magazine in Spanish speaking countries. Mente y cerebro, a bimonthly magazine, is the Spanish-language edition ofScientific American Mind. It features articles based on neuroscience and focuses on topics such as Alzheimer’s, drug addiction, memory, artificial intelligence, and learning. Both magazines are published by the Spanish publishing house, Prensa Científica. Licences and customer support will be continued to be handled directly by the Prensa Científica team.
The Investigación y Ciencia portfolio is the latest in archive offerings from NPG. The Spektrum der Wissenschaft portfolio, for German-speaking customers, is hosted on the Spektrum platform,http://www.spektrum.de. Scientific American’s complete archive, back to volume 1, issue 1 in 1845, is available on nature.com. The Nature archive 1869-1996 is also available on the nature.com platform.