Nick Johnson appointed new Editor-in-Chief

Maney Publishing is very pleased to announce that Mr Nick Johnson, Chief Executive at the Social Care Association (SCA), has been appointed as the new Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Care Services Management (JCSM).

Maney is delighted to welcome Nick Johnson who has a history of collaboration with JCSM. He has previously served as a guest editor, and held a position on the editorial board. He was appointed Assistant Chief Executive of the SCA after a career in local government in the personal social services; he was promoted in 2005 to Chief Executive. Nick Johnson has had considerable involvement in the SCA for many years in an honorary capacity and has represented the Association as a Governor of the National Institute for Social Work. He has also undertaken work on behalf of the Residential Forum and the All Party Parliamentary Group on the Personal Social Services. He writes and speaks widely on the topic of social care with a particular focus on people who work in care services and best practice issues.

Nick Johnson is very pleased to be editing the journal: “JCSM provides a place to share good ideas, best practice and evidenced research that supports care services. For readers, it provides a useful basis for reflection, a much underused part of professional practice, and stimulus for teams of social care and health practitioners to review their own position and to work on areas of improvement using the material contained in the journal. I look forward to the opportunity, and I appeal to those working in social care to consider writing up their interesting, challenging or excellent practice narratives for the record and for sharing with those who share your space.”