Effective immediately, academic publishing group Peter Lang takes over the publication of “Stanford Slavic Studies”. The academic book series was founded in 1987 at the Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures of Stanford University and was published by Berkeley Slavic Specialties until 2016. The co-operation starts with volume 48, which will be published by Peter Lang in the third quarter of 2018.
The series seeks to introduce new perspectives in the study of modern Russian literary history from a national and international perspective. It publishes monographs and anthologies from a broad range of topics, from close textual analysis to comparative literary studies and poetics and theory of verse. The series was founded by Prof. Lazar Fleishman at the Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures of Stanford University, who will continue to lead the editorship.
With the publication of Stanford Slavic Studies, Peter Lang further expands its portfolio in Slavic Studies. In 2017, the group took over the Slavic Studies list from German publisher Biblion Media consisting of around 1,300 backlist titles, 15 active series and two online portals Slavic Studies Online and Futurism Online.