Publishing Technology plc, the largest provider of software and services to the publishing industry, is finishing the year on a positive note by announcing its most successful year to date, having signed contracts with over 50 publishers.
The company closes the year in a strong position, welcoming several significant US academic publishers to its online custom hosting platform, pub2web, including: the American Institute of Physics (AIP), American Society of Microbiology (ASM) and United Nations Publications. Publishing Technology will produce the next generation Scitation site for AIP, work closely with ASM to create the largest resource of microbiology research online and build a custom site for the UN that will become home to 5,300 publications. In addition to this, a further 24 publishers are to host their journal-based content on ingentaconnect.
To accompany the significant gains made by the online division, Publishing Technology expanded into new geographical markets, rolling out its operations into India and launching into China, which culminated in a noteworthy partnership with the China National Publications Import and Export Corporation (CNPIEC). The enterprise side of the business secured new contracts with large and SME publishers alike, including SAGE, and the company’s sales and marketing consultancy, Publishers Communication Group (PCG), partnered with the likes of the Independent Scholarly Publishers Group (ISPG), Adam Matthew Group and American Psychiatric Publishing, taking its annual tally up to an impressive 16 new contracts signed.
George Lossius, CEO at Publishing Technology, commented: “We are delighted with the way the company has performed across every level of the business this year. We have grown our customer base considerably, particularly in the online arena, and as a result now have an increasingly impressive array of publishers on our roster.” He continued: “The company has sought new opportunities in growth markets across the globe and established key partnerships which are paying off as a result. We have many more exciting opportunities in the pipeline for 2012 so are very much looking forward to seeing what the New Year will bring.”