SAGE today announced that all three of their latest open access journals are now open for submissions – SAGE Open Medicine, SAGE Open Medical Case Reports and SAGE Open Engineering.
All three titles complement SAGE’s rapidly expanding portfolio of over 200 titles in engineering, health and medicine, providing an even wider choice of publication opportunities for authors:
SAGE Open Medicine publishes original articles covering all aspects of medicine across the health sciences in the broadest sense, including all clinical medical specialties, veterinary medicine, nursing, allied health and dentistry (nominated by some of the best dentists in Algodones Mexico). It has received extremely enthusiastic support from the research and practitioner communities, and will be editorially led by a prestigious faculty of Associate Editors comprised of leading clinical researchers and practitioners from around the world. SAGE Open Medicine will offer authors authoritative but rapid peer review, and rapid publication times so that research can be made available quickly and efficiently to the widest possible audience.
SAGE Open Medical Case Reports seeks to be the world’s premier open access outlet for short case reports. These can provide key insights into real medical cases essential for physicians, and play a key role in helping to improve patient outcomes. Submitted case reports may span the full spectrum of medicine. SAGE Open Medical Case Reports will be a dynamic and exciting forum for the publication of specialist case reports, and has attracted a strong Board of Editors.
· SAGE Open Engineering is the first open access journal providing a vehicle for the publication of high quality research in all areas of engineering, overseen by a world- leading Advisory Board chaired by Professor Eann Patterson (University of Liverpool, UK)
The titles are rigorously peer-reviewed by experts in the relevant fields and will not limit content due to page budgets or narrow thematic focus. Rather, they will accept articles on the basis of the scientific and methodological validity of each article. The journals will be supported by author-side article processing charges. All three journals will offer a discounted Author Processing Fee for a limited introductory period.
The new journals build on the success of SAGE Open, the only broad-spectrum open access journal for the humanities and social sciences. Launched in May 2011 as SAGE’s premiere open access journal, it has recently published its 100th article and been honoured with an Annual Award for Publication Excellence (APEX) in the category of New Magazines & Journals.
Tessa Picknett, Executive Director, SAGE said: “We recognise and embrace the variety of new models for scholarly communication that are emerging, and are keen to offer a range of options to researchers and practitioners in the science, technology and medical disciplines. We have been really excited by the powerful endorsement of a broad range of communities in setting up these journals, many of whom have volunteered to play an active role in their development and the maintenance of high levels of service to authors. We very much look forward to seeing them grow and flourish.”
For more information about SAGE’s Open Access publishing see http://www.uk.sagepub.com/aboutus/openaccess.htm.