Open access publications continue their strong showing among Springer’s portfolio
Following the release of the Thompson Reuters Journal Citation Reports® (JCR) for 2013, Springer announced that 26 of its journals have received a first-time impact factor (IF). That brings the total number of Springer journals listed in the report – including many that are published on behalf of the company’s society partners – to 1,570.
Among those Springer journals that received an impact factor for the first time, 12 were open access (OA) publications from BioMed Central. This is the latest accomplishment of the continuing focus Springer dedicates to expanding and strengthening its OA portfolio. These journals account for more than 10 percent of the total Springer journals with IFs, with more than a third of all OA publications from Springer now listed in the JCR.
“Year after year more Springer journals receive impact factors for the first time, which is a testament to the strength of our portfolio, and the quality of our content,” remarked Peter Hendriks, President of STM Publishing at Springer. “Moreover, we are particularly proud of the performance of our open access publications. This demonstrates to the scientific community that Springer is first and foremost concerned with the needs of researchers and authors through a broad mix of business models.”
In total, more than half (56 percent) of Springer journals increased their IF from 2012 to 2013, and nearly 90 percent were cited more frequently.