Starting in January 2013, Springer and Scion, a New Zealand Crown Research Institute, will cooperate to publish the New Zealand Journal of Forestry Science. As of Volume 43, Issue 1, the journal will be part of the SpringerOpen portfolio. As a fully sponsored open access journal, it will be freely available on www.nzjforestryscience.com and SpringerLink without subscription charges or registration barriers.
Founded in 1971, the New Zealand Journal of Forestry Science covers the breadth of forestry research, science and technology development. While the focus is on planted forests, articles on a wide range of forestry topics such as tropical species, climate change, and policy are also published. Included in the journal are original research articles, short notes, subject reviews, book reviews and conference papers. Scion will retain editorial management with Dr. Ruth Falshaw of Scion as editor. The journal was accepted by ISI this year, and Thomson Reuters will include the New Zealand Journal of Forestry Science in its databases from 2013. An impact factor will be available starting in 2015.
“We are delighted to partner with Springer, who shares our vision about open-access scientific publication. This arrangement will help the Journal to further achieve its goal of disseminating high-quality research to the international forestry community,” says Dr Falshaw, Editor-in-Chief of the Journal.
Dr. Jacco Flipsen, Editorial Director Life Sciences at Springer, says “We are excited to work with SCION on the Open Access publication of their reputed Journal. Springer has an extensive publication program in Forestry, both books and journals, and we further strengthen our position through this partnership. At the same time, we help SCION in the wider distribution and findability of their Journal”.