Springer and the Italian Society of Endocrinology (Società Italiana di Endocrinologia/SIE) have agreed to a five-year collaboration to publish the monthly Journal of Endocrinological Investigation, starting in January 2014 with Volume 37. Available exclusively in electronic format on SpringerLink (link.springer.com), it is the official journal of the society. It was formerly published by the Italian publisher Kurtis.
The Journal of Endocrinological Investigation reports on all fields of endocrinology and metabolism research, including neuroendocrinology, andrology, and gynecological, pediatric and geriatric endocrinology, Topics such as thyroid disorders, obesity and diabetes are covered. Both clinical, translational and basic original studies are published, as well as opinions, commentaries, reviews, clinical practice guidelines, position statements and letters to the editor. Targeted are endocrinologists, diabetologists and andrologists, both in clinical practice and research.
Luigi Bartalena, Editor-in-Chief, said, “As we begin the 37th volume of the Journal of Endocrinological Investigation, I am very pleased to start collaborating with Springer. I am grateful to Prof. Francesco Trimarchi, president of SIE, and the executive committee of the society for supporting the journal. I am sure that partnering with this prestigious publisher will increase global visibility and dissemination of the journal and will greatly contribute to the reinforcement and expansion of its well-established role in the international scientific community.”
Francesco Trimarchi, President of SIE, said, “We welcome this partnership. Working with Springer will certainly help the official journal of SIE, founded 36 years ago, to grow further as an internationally recognized journal. In turn, this will help our society to fulfill its mission to share the latest advances in the field of endocrinology and metabolism, not only with scientists, but also with clinical practitioners.”
“We are proud to welcome the Journal of Endocrinological Investigation to the Springer clinical medicine journals portfolio. It offers an additional relevant scientific resource to all those working in this field. Joining many established publications in the field of endocrinology, it will have global exposure via the SpringerLink platform. We are especially pleased to have the opportunity to partner with the SIE on this challenging project, and are honored to collaborate on the development of this excellent journal with its good impact factor and robust manuscript flow,” said Carlotta d’Imporzano, Executive Editor of Medicine Journals at Springer.
Società Italiana di Endocrinologia (www.societaitalianadiendocrinologia.it) was established in 1964 by a group of enthusiastic clinical scientists headed by Cataldo Cassano, professor of internal medicine, and included gynecologists, pathologists and other medical specialists and professionals who had a special interest in the emerging field of endocrinology and metabolism. Within a few years, the society grew rapidly, devoting itself to the most advanced issues in fundamental and clinical research. It promotes knowledge and skills in cellular and molecular biology, biotechnology and translational research, paying special attention to signaling pathophysiology and the management of endocrine disorders. Many members of SIE are ranked highly in the Top Italian Scientist list, based on the H-Index.