From 2024, corresponding authors in 30 developing and transition economy countries can now benefit from publishing an uncapped number of Open Access research articles in our two fully Open Access journals – Disease Models & Mechanisms and Biology Open in addition to our hybrid journals, Development, Journal of Cell Science and Journal of Experimental Biology without paying an article processing charge (APC). Researchers at participating institutions also benefit from unlimited access to the journals and their archives dating back to 1853.
“We are glad that corresponding authors from EIFL partner countries will be able to publish Open Access in all The Company of Biologists’ journals. We value the partnership with the Company and welcome the extension of the agreement for three more years for free access and publishing for 30 EIFL partner countries.”
Shelly Turner, Head of Sales and Business Development at The Company of Biologists, says:
“We are delighted that our continuing partnership with EIFL has enabled us to expand the number of journals from three to five from 2024 which will in turn offer more opportunities for authors in 30 developing and transition economy countries to submit fee-free Open Access articles.”