Ex Libris® Group, a world leader in the provision of library automation solutions, has announced that the Institute of Education (IOE), a renowned center for teacher education and educational research at the University of London, has chosen to adopt the Primo® discovery and delivery solution. Primo will enable the IOE’s Newsam Library and Archives to offer thousands of users access to one of the largest European collections of current and historical materials on education and related areas of social science.
“The Library and Archive Service is committed to supporting the Institute’s strategic ambitions for excellence in research, teaching, and learning,” commented Andrew McDonald, director of Newsam Library and Archive Services, Institute of Education. “Following a thorough review of the discovery systems currently available, we selected Primo as the sector-leading, most innovative solution. Integrating seamlessly with our current systems, Primo will replace the OPAC interface of our catalog, currently provided by the SirsiDynix Symphony® system. We are particularly excited by the prospect of significantly improving the user experience: Primo will simply transform access to the whole range of our print, electronic, archive, and repository content, not only by students but also by researchers in the United Kingdom and throughout the world, thus fulfilling one of our key strategic imperatives.”
Christoph Frech, regional sales director Ex Libris Europe, added: “The IOE is the tenth college or institute of the University of London and the third member of the University of London’s Bloomsbury Colleges to join the steadily growing Primo community of more than 2,000 institutions worldwide. One of the most important factors in the IOE decision to adopt Primo was its ScholarRank™ technology. This relevance-ranking technology can personalize the ranking of search results to display education-related results that are the most relevant to a specific user at the top of the list. We are continuing to enhance ScholarRank to make it an even more powerful tool for students and researchers. The IOE’s decision affirms Primo’s position as the world’s leading discovery solution, and we are proud to have this distinguished institution as a customer.”
– See more at: http://www.exlibrisgroup.com/default.asp?catid={916AFF5B-CA4A-48FD-AD54-9AD2ADADEB88}&details_type=1&itemid={8E8287FC-D1A9-4C28-BBF7-8B4E4AD70387}#sthash.JSnn12y0.dpuf