The Intellectual Property & Science business of Thomson Reuters, the world’s leading source of intelligent information for businesses and professionals, today announced a collaboration with Susan G. Komen, the world’s largest breast cancer organization.
As part of this relationship, Susan G. Komen will have special access to Thomson Reuters Web of ScienceTM — the premier scientific search and discovery platform and industry authority in science, social science, and arts & humanities citation indexes — to contextualize and determine the efficacy of research it funds within the broader breast cancer research landscape.
Since its inception in 1982, Susan G. Komen has provided more than $804 million in funding to more than 2,200 breast cancer research grants, making Komen the largest nonprofit funder of breast cancer research outside of the U.S. government. This strategic relationship will provide Komen with the ability to track outcomes from their funded research projects and assess the contributions of their research portfolio toward the advancement of breast cancer research and patient care.
“The Web of Science will allow us to be even more effective stewards of our donors’ funds, by giving us more specific and objective metrics to measure the impact of our research dollars,” said Stephanie Birkey Reffey, managing director of Evaluation and Outcomes for Susan G. Komen. “As one of the largest organizations funding breast cancer research globally, it is critical to have a comprehensive view of the impact of the research we support. The Web of Science will help us identify the researchers and papers that have the most traction, ensuring our funds are spent where they will make the most impact toward finding the cures for breast cancer.”
The organization projects that 11 million women will die from breast cancer in the next 20 years, making the quantification of their research and its impact all the more urgent.
The Web of Science Core Collection offers authoritative, multidisciplinary content from more than 12,000 high impact research journals worldwide across more than 250 disciplines. Susan G. Komen joins more than 6,000 world leading scholarly institutions responsible for scientific research and policy making that utilize the Web of Science for strategic assessments.
“Susan G. Komen needs to ensure the research it funds is making the greatest possible impact toward its goal,” said Gordon Macomber, managing director, Thomson Reuters Scholarly and Scientific Research. “We are pleased to partner with Susan G. Komen and provide access to our trusted, authoritative content in the Web of Science to help inform its decision making.”
Learn more about Web of Science.