The Intellectual Property & Science business of Thomson Reuters, the world’s leading source of information for businesses and professionals, today announced its collaboration with Times Higher Education to power the latter’s BRICS and Emerging Economies Rankings. Thomson Reuters InCitesTM data, the world’s leading research evaluation platform and home to Global Institutional Profiles, is the benchmarking engine behind this Times Higher Education ranking. Thomson Reuters also continues to power several other Times Higher Education rankings, as well as working with other ranking providers.
For more than a decade, Thomson Reuters has supported Shanghai Jiao Tong University ‘s esteemed Academic Ranking of World Universities. Earlier this year, Thomson Reuters announced its collaboration with U.S. News & World Report to power that organization’s Best Global University Rankings. Thomson Reuters also works with Russia’s Round University Research Group to provide content and first level analysis for its Round University Ranking (RUR); URAP for the Middle East Technical University in Turkey; CWTS for its Leiden Ranking; U-Multirank for its European Commission Funded Consortia; and, with the National Taiwan University Rankings. Thomson Reuters also collaborates with many evaluation and policy groups around the globe, such as Japan’s National Institute of Science and Technology Policy (NISTEP) to determine the impact of the nation’s scientific and technological efforts.
“It is an honor to work with Thomson Reuters and make use of its carefully processed list of the world’s most highly cited researchers,” said Dr. Ying Cheng, executive director, Center for World-Class Universities at Shanghai Jiao Tong University. “We take great pride in our Academic Ranking of World Universities and the value it provides the market. Partnering with Thomson Reuters to ensure the highest quality data is a key feature of our ranking.”
“An increasing number of students enroll in universities outside their own country,” said Robert Morse, chief data strategist of U.S. News. “We wanted to use our 30 years of experience in academic rankings to develop a resource that helps these students easily research and compare schools across the world. By working with Thomson Reuters, we can evaluate schools worldwide.”
InCites, the evaluation and benchmarking engine from Thomson Reuters, uses the industry’s most trusted content and proven citation metrics from the Web of ScienceTM , the premier web-based platform for scientific search and discovery and the authority in science, social science, and arts and humanities indexes, as the foundation for objective analytics to evaluate research output, performance and trends, as well as understand the scope of an organization’s scholarly contributions, by individual or team.
“As the global academic landscape continues to expand, it’s important for us all within the scholarly community to take a step back to assess performance and recognize the accomplishments of our top universities,” Gordon Macomber, managing director of Thomson Reuters IP & Science. “Each of these esteemed rankings looks at the data from a different vantage point, together forming a truly comprehensive and uniquely valuable picture of the world’s universities.”
Learn more about InCites and Web of Science.