Wolters Kluwer Health announced today the release of an iPad® app for the medical journal, Pathology. The app provides health care professionals with full mobile accessibility to the latest research into all aspects of pathology. Pathology is published by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (LWW), part of Wolters Kluwer Health on behalf of the Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia (RCPA).
Pathology for the iPad uses optimized digital technology to provide a fully portable and enhanced print-like reading experience. It is the first iPad app available that offers access to the very latest original scientific research and reviews into pathology.
“The RCPA is delighted that the cutting edge research and review topics published in Pathology will now be available via an iPad app” said Professor Brett Delahunt, Editor of Pathology. “Such convenient and user-friendly access will allow pathologists to fit journal reading more easily into their busy schedules. This, in turn will help them in applying advancements in medicine into their important daily work, ensuring patients receive the best of care.”
“We’re delighted to partner with the Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia to bring the Pathology journal iPad app to members offering a dynamic, integrated experience with their journal,” added Karen Abramson, President and CEO of Wolters Kluwer Health Medical Research.
Along with full-text downloads of each issue, the new app allows the user to:
- Share articles via email or social media
- Adjust text sizing with “pinch and zoom”
- View multimedia videos, images, and supplements
- Store or delete downloaded issues
- Browse issues via Quick View
- Scroll quickly through abstract summaries
- Receive notifications about new issues
- Link to the journal website (www.rcpa-pathologyjournal.com) for additional reading and
searching archives, etc.
The Pathology iPad app is available free of charge from the App StoreSM. The April 2012 issue is also free for users to experience the app. Once access controls are applied, future issues will only be available to subscribers and RCPA fellows.