Nature Publishing Group (NPG) is pleased to offer site license access to Spektrum der Wissenschaft, the German-language edition of Scientific American, as well as to Spektrum’s sister publications and archives. All titles, available in German, will be hosted on the Spektrum.de platform. Together with Scientific American, Spektrum der Wissenschaft complements the consumer media portfolio of NPG to the German speaking scientific community.
Spektrum der Wissenschaft has offered site license access directly to institutional customers for many years. NPG institutional customers in Germany, Austria and Switzerland can now work with one sales representative for NPG journals, Scientific American and the Spektrum der Wissenschaftsite license platform.
The NPG sales team will offer site license access to government, corporate and academic customers. A current site license subscription includes access to the current year and the previous 4 years in PDF format. Archive articles before 2003 are only accessible in full-text HTML.
The Spektrum der Wissenschaft media portfolio includes:
• Spektrum der Wissenschaft, the flagship title and best-selling consumer science magazine in German speaking countries. The archive is available back to 1993.
• Gehirn & Geist (Brain & Mind), a psychology magazine with international editions in 9 countries, including Scientific American MIND in the United States. The archive is available back to 2002.
• Sterne und Weltraum (Stars and Space), a high-level journal on astronomy. The archive is available back to 2005.
• epoc, an archaeology and history magazine, published quarterly. The archive is available back to 2008.
• Spektrum – die Woche, a weekly digital newspaper on science. The archive is available back to 2004.
The archive package from Spektrum also includes former titles Abenteuer Archaelogie (Archeology Adventure: 2004-2007) and Astronomie heute (Astronomy Today: 2003-2007). All users can browse the archive online. The archive is searchable by keyword, author, article title and subject area. Alternatively, users can also browse by year and issue.
Licences and customer support will be continued to be handled directly by the Spektrum team, to ensure that customers are dealing with native German speakers and have support in their timezone.
The Spektrum der Wissenschaft portfolio, hosted on the Spektrum platform, is the latest in archive offerings from NPG. Scientific American’s complete archive, back to volume 1, issue 1 in 1845, is available on nature.com. The Nature archive 1869-1996 is also available on the nature.com platform.