In an acquisition that builds on the publisher’s already strong relationship with BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT, Oxford University Press (OUP) has announced the addition of Interacting with Computers (IwC) to its journal collection.
OUP also currently publishes both The Computer Journal and ITNOW on behalf of BCS, and this new title enhances the quality of OUP’s computer science list.
Bill Mitchell, Director of BCS Academy of Computing says of the agreement: “I’m delighted that we are extending our close working relationship with OUP by adding Interacting with Computers to the range of publications they publish for us including our Computer Journal and ITNOW. All of the publications are produced to a very high standard and are highly valued by our readers and members.”
Interacting with Computers is an interdisciplinary title focusing on how humans interact with computers. First published in 1989, it fosters communication between academic researchers and practitioners to encourage information flow across the boundaries of contributing disciplines. This highly rated journal is recognized as a leading international forum for the discussion of human computer interaction issues – a catalyst for novel and inspired thinking, which demands that its readers take a forward-looking perspective.
Neil Scriven, Senior Publisher at OUP, said: “Oxford University Press is delighted to be publishing Interacting with Computers on behalf of BCS. This innovative and thought-provoking publication will be a welcome addition to our computer science collection.”
Topics covered include: HCI and design theory; new research paradigms; interaction process and methodology; user interface, usability and UX design; development tools and techniques; empirical evaluations and assessment strategies; new and emerging technologies; ubiquitous, ambient and mobile interaction; accessibility, user modelling and intelligent systems; organisational and societal issues.
OUP began publishing Interacting with Computers from January 2013. Visit the website for more information, submission guidelines, and to sign up to receive tables of contents by email: http://iwc.oxfordjournals.org/