Performance by John Wiley and Sons Inc.(NYSE: JW-A) (NYSE: JW-B) in the 2019 release of Clarivate Analytics’ Journal Citation Reports (JCR) holds strong, maintaining its position as a top publisher in terms of the number of titles indexed, articles published, and citations received. Wiley maintained its share of JCR papers at 9.7%, publishing 7% more papers than last year.
A total of 1,236 Wiley journals were listed in the reports (+13), including 10 titles receiving their first Impact Factor. Wiley journals ranked #1 in 26 categories across 22 titles and achieved 320 top 10 category rankings.
Wiley publishes a growing number of high-quality Open Access journals with 66 fully Gold OA journals in the JCR and 5 Open Access journals ranked #1 across 6 categories (Global Change Biology Bioenergy, Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety, Journal of Cachexia Sarcopenia and Muscle, CA-A Cancer Journal for Clinicians in one and World Psychiatryin two). Advanced Science also saw its Impact Factor increase to 15.804 (+27%), making it the top ranked Gold OA journal in all three of its categories and cementing it as the highest impact Gold OA title in its discipline.
Jay Flynn, Chief Product Officer, Wiley Research comments: “We’re proud to help researchers communicate their results, which helps propel science and scholarship forward. At a time when trust in science is under threat, we’re committed to providing authoritative, wide-reaching outlets for research dissemination, and our position in the JCR is a testament to the quality of the work that we publish. It’s encouraging to see the impact of that commitment, both as a partner to authors, editors, and societies, and as an organization dedicated to spreading reliable science.”
Wiley continues as the world’s leading society publishing partner, and 58% of Wiley-published titles listed in the JCR are society publications.
Wiley dominates in several important fields. In Limnology, Andrology and Dermatology, for example, Wiley published more than 40% of the papers. In Physics, Condensed Matter 43% of Impact Factor cites were to a Wiley journal and 4 of the top 10 titles were published by Wiley. Even more impressive, Wiley netted 6 of the top 10 titles in both Biodiversity Conservation and Ecology.
Proprietary Titles
proprietary portfolio continues to perform well in the JCR, with 283 journals
seeing a rise in their Impact Factor and 83 top 10 rankings.
Six proprietary journals are ranked #1 in their category: International Journal of Energy Research, Mass Spectrometry Reviews, Periodontology 2000, Sustainable Development, Global Change Biology Bioenergy and Global Change Biology, which maintains its top position for the tenth year in a row.
Three proprietary titles received their first Impact Factors, with Stat and Veterinary Medicine and Science ranking in one category and Managerial and Decision Economics ranking in two.
Society Titles
the 718 titles in the JCR that Wiley publishes on behalf of societies, 449
(63%) saw their Impact Factors increase in 2018.
Sixteen titles ranked #1 in their category. Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineeringtopped three categories with Milbank Quarterly topping two. In addition to World Psychiatry ranking no.1 in two categories, it retained its #1 rank in the Social Science Citation Index, increasing its Impact Factor to 34.024. CA-A Cancer Journal for Clinicians retained its top rank in its category, the Science Citation Index and the overall JCR.
Seven society titles achieved their first Impact Factor including Clinical & Translational Immunology, ESC Heart Failure, Asia & the Pacific Policy Studies, Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology and Social Anthropology. Journal of Renal Care was ranked across three categories with Policy and Internet over two. Additionally, ChemistrySelect received its first full 2-Year Impact Factor.
Seven society titles saw their Impact Factor more than double, including Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health, netting them their top-ranking spot in Demography, and the Open Access title CTS-Clinical and Translational Science, putting them well on track to be a beacon for translational research.
Impact Factors are an important measurement for a journal and Wiley uses them alongside a variety of other journal and article level metrics. Wiley will continue to invest in journal performance insights to enable the communities we support.