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Thomson Reuters launches Academic Reputation Survey for 2012

The Intellectual Property & Science business of Thomson Reuters today announced the launch of its 2012 Academic Reputation Survey, for a current evaluation of...

Simba Information: Global Professional Publishing Industry to Grow 3% in 2012

Publishing forecast firm Simba Information reveals the global market for professional publishing products and services, led by the legal, science/technical and medical (STM) segments,...

Wiley to Divest Selected Publishing Assets

Wiley to Divest Selected Publishing Assets: Strategic realignment of resources will address marketplace changes, accelerate Wiley’s digital transformation, and drive long-term growth. John Wiley &...

Anti-open access bill suffers sudden death

Legislation in the US Congress that would have stopped funding agencies stipulating that research they fund with taxpayer dollars be made publicly available has...

E-book consumers drive sales via apps and online retailers, says BISG Study

E-book consumers are increasing their purchase of books -- both print and e-book formats -- online and especially through in-app purchasing, and decreasing their...

OCLC in deal with publishers to add more content and collections to WorldCat Local

OCLC has signed new agreements with leading publishers around the world and has added important new content and collections to WorldCat Local, the OCLC...

Elsevier withdraws support for Research Works Act

By Chrysanne Lowe Vice President Marketing Communications At Elsevier, we have always focused on serving the global research community and ensuring the best possible access to research publications and...

Serials Solutions® Appoints Pam Cory to Lead Global Market Expansion

Serials Solutions®, a ProQuest® business, announced today that Pam Cory has joined the company as Vice President of Marketing and Global Market Development. As...

Downloadable Version of FAST Now Available

OCLC Research has made FAST (Faceted Application of Subject Terminology) available for bulk download, along with some minor improvements based on user feedback and...

Wiley Acquires Inscape, a Leading Provider of DiSC®-Based Learning Solutions

Wiley Acquires Inscape, a Leading Provider of DiSC®-Based Learning Solutions: Acquisition extends Wiley's global reach and accelerates Wiley's digital strategy in workplace learning John Wiley...

British Book Buyers are Switching to “e” from Print and Spending Less

E-book sales are rising to offset a decline in physical book purchases, but only in volume. With the lower price points of e-books versus...

China/Asia on Demand Metadata Accessible via EBSCO Discovery Service

A new partnership between EBSCO Publishing (EBSCO) and Oriprobe Information Services Inc. will allow content from China/Asia On Demand (CAOD) to be accessible within EBSCO Discovery Service™ (EDS). The...