ConTech Pharma 2023 features global thought leaders working at the intersection of data science, content and technology. Our world class line-up includes Bayer, Pistoia Alliance, Pfizer, Astra Zeneca, Benevolent AI, Morressier and many more …
Another hype-cycle is born around generative AI and the ChatGPT models. The same truths apply, if not more so, rubbish in gives rubbish out. This is something that we cannot countenance in Medicine and Drug Development. As we look at patient first approaches of developing medicines using AI and Data Driven techniques, it is in these areas of intersection between real-world data, pre-clinical and clinical data that challenges and opportunities arise, and challenges are overcome.
Come and hear how the world’s best minds in data science, digital healthcare and precision drug development are thinking about these challenges and taking effective action. Confirmed speakers include: Dr Becky Upton, President, Pistoia Alliance – Sheila Elz, Master Data Manager, Bayer -Catherine Snow, Curation Team Leader, Genomics England – Prof. Ashley George – Peter Henstock, Machine Learning & AI Lead, Pfizer – Eric Little, Innovation Principal Director, Life Sciences & Head of Product Strategy & Analytics, INTIENT, Accenture – Sabrina Toro, Assistant Research Professor, University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus – Mathew Woodwark, Head of Data, Infrastructure and Tools, Data Science and AI, AstraZeneca – Sami Benchekroun, Co-Founder and CEO, Morressier – Hans Constandt, Advisor, Mentor, Expert in Digital Health & Giovanni Nisato (Pistoia FAIR data group). Helen Malone, Director of Information Architecture at Benevolent AI and more to be announced.
ConTech Pharma 2023 taking place 8th June will be a 1-day hybrid event, taking place both online and at the Sheraton Skyline Hotel, London Heathrow, UK. It will showcase the very latest thinking and help organisations to understand how these changes will affect them.
Sign up today – go to https://www.contech.live/contech-pharma-2023 and learn more and book to get valuable early bird registration discounts.
With thanks to Elsevier –Main conference partner and Morressier, Gold sponsor
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