De Gruyter is proud to announce that Professor Wing Sum Cheung of the University of Hong Kong has been appointed to De Gruyter’s Advisory Board, thus considerably strengthening the company’s STM activities in the area of mathematics. Professor Cheung’s appointment is just the latest development in De Gruyter’s many years of successful engagement in China.
The two other advisors, Professor Pauline Chiu of the University of Hong Kong and Professor Tiping Ding of the Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences, have been members of the Advisory Board since 2012. (Prof. Chiu is responsible for chemistry; Prof. Ding is responsible for isotope geology.)
“In our international partnerships, our key aim is to develop high-quality content over the long term. Our relationship with China and its special administration district Hong Kong is enriching both partners”, says Dr. Anke Beck, Managing Director at De Gruyter. “We want to promote the growth of our core disciplines, and we’re immensely pleased that three renowned Chinese academics will be supporting our STM offerings from the Chinese market.”