Karger Publishers Partners with ChronosHub

Mutual Collaboration Simplifies Workflows to Manage Transformative Agreements (TF) and Open Access (OA) Publishing in One Place

Karger Publishers is thrilled to announce its latest partnership with ChronosHub, a platform offering a 360-degree approach to Open Access (OA) Management. This new collaboration benefits Karger’s institutional customers by fostering effective compliance and license management, improved handling of article processing charges and other related costs, billing, and collection, as well as data management and reporting. 

This cooperation signals Karger’s ongoing commitment to the Open Science movement by supporting users’ ability to see an overview of all details involving publishing agreements and their associated costs in a single place. Karger and ChronosHub entered their initial partnership in 2021. 

“We are passionate about helping organizations manage their Transformative Agreements by offering different OA publishing models for the utmost flexibility,” says Daniel Ebneter, CEO at Karger. “Through its offerings, ChronosHub is helping us drive the Open Science movement forward much further.”

As the name suggests, ChronosHub is a center point that saves researchers and authors time by guiding authors through the different publishing options, making funding policies and institutional agreements transparent and allowing easy author agreement completion. Through a collaborative approach, ChronosHub streamlines the workflow for institutions, publishers and funders for effective article processing charge management, OA agreement monitoring, funding policy compliance, repository deposits, and OA reporting.

“We are delighted to have Karger Publishers join the ChronosHub platform. Our collaboration is built on the shared vision of enhancing the entire publishing workflow and taking the author experience to the next level. Together, we’re committed to pushing boundaries and taking risks in an industry where few dare to venture”, Christian Grubak, Founder & Co-CEO, ChronosHub.