Open Access Week, now in its fifth year, runs from 24-30 October 2011. It is an opportunity for the academic and research community to learn more about the potential benefits of Open Access. Open Access to information is the free, immediate, online access to scholarly research, and the right to use and re-use those results as you need.
This is also a great opportunity for Maney and other publishers to discuss and review new directions in scholarly communication.
To coincide with Open Access Week, Maney will be offering open access to all Archaeology & Heritage content from 24 October until 4 November. During this period we will be offering free, immediate access to the results of scholarly research to use and re-use as and when you need via ingenta.
We are interested in finding out your opinion on a variety of aspects of Open Access publishing; if you would like to share your opinion, please complete our survey here. All survey participants will be entered into our prize draw for the opportunity to win free access to a journal of your choice for you/your institution for 12 months.
Maney Publishing understands the changing requirements of customers and has developed a hybrid open access business model. MORE Open Choice was specifically designed with the needs of science, technology and medical research councils in mind. In January 2011, it was extended to cover humanities titles. MORE Open Choice now ensures that Maney authors across all disciplines are offered the opportunity to place their work in the public domain.
The article processing charges during Open Access Week will be reduced for Archaeology and Heritage titles to £300/$480 for three months to encourage more Maney authors to consider whether MORE Open Choice is an appealing option for them.
Gaynor Redvers-Mutton, Business Development Manager at Maney Publishing comments: Like many, we are keen to learn more from our customers so that we adapt and develop to suit their needs. We hope our authors, readers and key intermediaries such as librarians will participate in our surveys and promotions during OA week and thereby provide us with the much needed feedback that we depend on.
Full details of Maneys OA model are available on the website at www.maney.co.uk/moreopenchoice.