Semantico are working with ALPSP on a seminar, entitled: “Ignore your authors at your peril. Strategies and tactics for building a strong author-focused proposition.” Semantico Strategy Director, Rob Virkar-Yates will be chairing the event which takes place on 28 February 2013, Institute of Physics, London.
As the ‘author pays’ model gains traction, it will be imperative that scholarly publishers deploy author-centric content and functionality, and treat authors as their highest value customers. Publishers need to offer high quality integrated services and experiences across all touch-points from submission to publication and beyond, to both build and sustain loyalty. The key message of the event is: authors are customers too, and this seminar aims to provide practical, strategic and tactical ways in which scholarly publishers can foster good author relationships.
The seminar is targetted to senior managers who want to understand how they can build a stronger author-focused proposition into their organisation, senior marketers and technologists who would be responsible for deploying campaigns and technologies to deliver the proposition.
For more information on the event, see the ALPSP website.