Thieme Publishing Group is expanding its open-access range with the launch of the new platform “Thieme Open.” The online resource offers authors a comprehensive overview of the numerous open-access publishing options provided by Thieme. Readers can easily access the latest articles with a few clicks.
Thieme authors interested in open-access publication can currently choose between a total of nine purely open-access journals and numerous hybrid journals. The science publisher offers its authors a comprehensive open-access publication service. “We created ‘Thieme Open’ as a one-stop access point to continually updated information regarding Thieme’s wide range of open-access options,” says Dr. Regina Wenzel, program planner journals at Thieme. “Thieme offers open-access publication services that are just as comprehensive as those for traditional journal articles. All items are carefully reviewed and edited – discerning peer reviews are as essential a part of open-access publishing as they are for print journals.“
“Thieme Open” answers to all the pressing questions authors may have, like when to opt for open-access publication, how articles are archived, and what the license conditions are. Just a few clicks lead authors to the author guidelines for open-access titles, which comprise all relevant information about publication terms. Once the author has identified the right open-access journal, submitting the manuscript is merely a matter of following the next link.
Thieme is currently expanding its portfolio of open-access journals. The latest additions include the “International Archives of Otorhinolaryngology” as well as “ECED Reports” and “JKS Reports,” the latter two titles complementing the subscription journals “Experimental and Clinical Endocrinology & Diabetes” (ECED) and “Journal of Knee Surgery” (JKS), respectively. For many years now, Thieme has been offering authors an open-access publishing option in traditional subscription journals. Immediately after publication, the articles become accessible on Thieme’s E-Journal platform https://www.thieme-connect.de/ejournals. Cases in point are Thieme’s hybrid journals “Hormone and Metabolic Research” and “Planta Medica”. Users find the latest open-access articles – whether published in a purely open-access title or a conventional subscription journal – on the Thieme Open homepage at http://open.thieme.com.
“We have followed and been actively involved in the open-access discussion that has been going on in the recent past. ‘Thieme Open’ is one more element in our service portfolio, designed to deliver our authors an attractive opportunity to publish their articles with open access,” says Brian Scanlan, Publishing Director at Thieme Publishers. “In keeping with this, we continue to develop our open-access portfolio.”