Thomson Reuters today announced the latest version of Thomson Reuters ProViewtm, the leading professional eReader platform. The new version of ProView provides enhanced navigation, content organization and table displays.
Thomson Reuters ProView is the first eReader platform specifically built for professional use, with advanced features such as full-text search, secured notes and highlights, and content updating. It is available for iPad® and for Windows® and Mac® computers, as well as Android® tablets in select markets. ProView titles are currently available in the U.S., UK, Canada, Australia, Spain, Brazil, Argentina and Chile.
The new features provide more ways to navigate and search ProView content, providing greater context of information across titles and libraries. New features in Thomson Reuters ProView version 1.5 include:
• Color-Coded Notes & Highlights
Choose from a variety of colors to organize notes and highlights
• Compass Feature
Navigation aid provides at-a-glance orientation within a title
• Enhanced Running Header
Allows users to see the full hierarchy of where they are within a title
• Inline Tabular Display
Enhanced ability to display tables
• Search Across Libraries
Searches return results from any downloaded book within a user’s ProView library
• A-Z Index
Complete index of content
• Table of Contents Layering
Allows users to find what they need while keeping track of their search path
• Wordwheel Searching
New search functionality provides links to additional content
Availability of features may vary depending on specific titles and Thomson Reuters publishing brands.
“The new ProView features help keep this unique eReader platform at the head of today’s mobile technologies for professionals,” said Bob Schukai, global head, Mobile Technology, Thomson Reuters. “The new features improve the ability of users to find the exact reference information that they need quickly and effectively – anywhere, anytime. Now more than ever, ProView provides unmatched ease of use and efficiency for locating reference information while on the go, regardless of where that information exists within a particular section, title or even a user’s entire ProView library.”
Thomson Reuters ProView is a first-of-its-kind, professional-grade platform for the delivery and use anywhere, anytime of specialized Thomson Reuters content and productivity tools, including popular legal reference books from Thomson Reuters Westlaw™, Sweet & Maxwell, Carswell®, Aranzadi, La Ley, Editora Revista dos Tribunais, Abeledo Perrot, Legal Publishing Chile and Thomson Reuters Legal, Tax & Accounting ANZ; there are also leading reference books from the Tax & Accounting business of Thomson Reuters.
Information on ProView and its numerous reference and professional development titles can be found at http://thomsonreuters.com/proview.
Thomson Reuters ProView is available for iPad users at the Apple® App Storesm, Android tablet users at Google Play and the Amazon Appstore for Android, and for Windows and Mac users at www.thomsonreuters.com/proview.