wbv Publikation – a division of wbv Media GmbH & Co. KG – is launching, together with the National Open Access Kontaktpunkt OA2020-DE, the project “OPEN Library Erwachsenbildung, Berufs und Wirtschaftspädagogik“. Thanks to a cooperative financing model, the initiative will allow for 20 frontlist titles in the fields of adult education, professional and business education to be published Open Access as of 2020. Knowledge Unlatched will coordinate the funding efforts.
Libraries can pledge their support until the end of November 2019. A minimum of 40 institutions investing a maximum of € 2,400 each is required. The starting price per participating institution thus amounts to 120€ per book. The final contribution decreases as more institutions participate.
“We are very delighted to work together with our partners to make an attractive package of titles in the field of adult education and professional and business education Open Access.”, Joachim Höper, member of the direction of wbv Media.