Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (LWW), part of Wolters Kluwer Health, a leading provider of information and business intelligence for students, professionals and pharmacy, today introduced a completely revamped, interactive edition of Designing Clinical Research,the leading manual for clinical researchers for the past 25 years. Every chapter has been extensively updated to cover recent advances in the field, and the new Fourth Edition is the first to offer four-color graphics and a fully interactive digital experience that gives readers a practical and user-friendly approach to designing a clinical study.
Designing Clinical Research, Fourth Edition, is available for the first time as a fully interactive digital experience powered by Inking™. Viewable through a browser or as a download to a tablet or smartphone, the digital package includes the complete text with customized navigation and a rapid, index-based search capability. In addition, new features that distill key information and enhance understanding have been added, including the text’s first four-color graphics, as well as new figures and tables. Updated chapters cover recent advances and new developments in the field, such as non-inferiority trials for comparative effectiveness research, incidence-density case-control studies, confounding and effect modification, ethical aspects of whole genome sequencing, automated data management approaches and new NIH grant-writing requirements.
The new digital experience provides a host of new features that can help streamline the process of designing a study. Users can link to relevant content directly from the text, to a newly created glossary, and to citations on PubMed and other related Internet articles. Users also can share notes with colleagues and highlight text for easier reference, insert electronic bookmarks and cut-and-paste figures or text directly into presentations.
“In addition to the large amount of new material, our Fourth Edition continues as a practical guide for doctors, nurses, pharmacists and other health professionals involved clinical, translational and public health research,” said lead author Stephen Hulley, MD, MPH. “It presents advanced epidemiologic concepts in a reader-friendly way, and suggests common sense approaches to the challenging judgments involved in designing, funding and implementing a clinical trial or observational study.”
Included in the manual are exercises for planning a study and new cases to illustrate the resolution of ethical dilemmas in clinical research. A purchase includes access to a dedicated Designing Clinical Research website with teaching materials and interactive sample-size calculators.
Designing Clinical Research, Fourth Edition, is available in a package that includes a four-color print edition plus a fully interactive eBook powered by Inkling – all for a single price. For the first time with this edition, readers can access the text plus all of the interactive multimedia content using iPad® tablets and iPhones. The eBook also is available through Amazon Kindle and Barnes and Noble Nook, and can be accessed online through a PC or Mac.
Designed for physicians, nurses, pharmacists, and health scientists in training, Designing Clinical Research, Fourth Edition, is available now for $82.79. For more information or to purchase, please visit www.lww.com/hulley.